Corporate Social Responsibility
At TRUSTZONE, we believe that it is important to provide social responsibility. Over the years, we have supported various good causes, including The Red Cross and Save the Children.
Our commitments
Red Cross Business Club 2023
We support the important work of the Red Cross. In order to ensure their mission to make a difference for people in need, we support the Red Cross Business Club 2023, once again. At TRUSTZONE we support organizations that make a difference. The Red Cross is an organization independent from politics and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion. They help those in need, and make a huge difference to an individual’s life situation. The organization responds to emergencies and encourages the respect for international humanitarian law and its implementation in national law.
Read more about the Red Cross’ work.

Save the Children Corporate sponsor 2022/2023
TRUSTZONE supports Save the Children’s work on behalf of the most vulnerable children in Denmark and throughout the world. All children have the right to a good and safe childhood. We support their mission of giving children a better life in Denmark and around the world. Save the Children assists children before, during and after disasters and wars. They provide food, water, and medicine to the refugees and create child-friendly areas in the refugee camps. They ensure the education of children during and after disasters or conflicts. Children learn to prevent and reduce the extent of disasters.
Read more about Save the Children’s work.

The Danish NPO Julehjælpen.dk
TRUSTZONE supports the Danish non-profit organisation julehjælpen.dk because all children deserve to celebrate Christmas. Julehjælpen.dk (The Christmas help) helps financially needy families with children in Denmark to have the opportunity to have a good Christmas.
Read more about Julehjælpen.dk’s work.

The Danish Cancer Society
TRUSTZONE is supporting the Danish Cancer Society’s national collection on April 7th, 2024. We are excited to contribute and make a difference for cancer patients and their families.
Read more about The Danish Cancer Society.